Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Liqua Propolis Nature's Antibiotic and Nourisher- Code: CL093

Healing From The Honeybees

As with honey and royal jelly, propolis is a natural product of the honeybee.

Propolis is a natural antibiotic that is made by honeybees from resinous substances collected from buds, flowers and tree barks. Bees use it on the entire surface of the hive to protect them from bacterial and viral infections. Bees also use propolis to sterilize food storage areas and the queen's chamber before she starts to lay her eggs.

Healing From The Honeybees
Amongst other things, propolis contains vitamins, minerals, proteins and amino acids, enzymes, antioxidants, etheric oils, and 20 to 30 different types of bioflavonoids. Bioflavonoids are substances that boost the body's immune system and protect our cells from the ravages of free radicals. Free radicals, which are by-products of our body's metabolism, are unstable molecules that are also present in the environment as well as some foods and most toiletries. These free radicals attack and damage our cells and tissues causing fatigue, premature aging, dry skin, wrinkles and many degenerative diseases.

Liqua Propolis is in liquid form. It is natural propolis, and is ideal as natural antibiotic and for maintaining good health.

Recommended Dosage

1 to 2 drops once every 2 hours for each 10 kg of body weight or
2 to 3 drops thrice daily for every 10 kg of body weight

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