Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Liqua BioClenz- Code: CL092

Benefits Of Fibres

Fibres are a very important part of our diet. Among other benefits, natural fibres help to absorb toxic materials in the intestines and colon, reduce cholesterol levels, regulate the digestive system, enhance peristaltic action, relieve constipation and reduce weight.

Liqua BoClenz contains natural soluble and insoluble fibres, and is an aid to regulate your digestive system and to relieve constipation. Follow the instructions below and enjoy the benefits of natural fibres with Liqua BoClenz.

Mix a sachet of Liqua BoClenz with a glass of water. For best results, take it an hour before or two hours after meals.

Fibres will slow down the absorption of fat-soluble vitamins and other nutrients. It is hence not advisable to use Liqua BoClenz continually over extended periods. Follow the instructions above for a period of 10 days for colon-cleansing purposes. You may repeat the process every 2 months, unless advised otherwise by your health consultant.

Note: Pregnant ladies can use it freely in between meals but are advised to consult with their physician. Those with asthma or heart conditions should start with only 1/3 sachet at a time. Please consult with your physician.

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